Monday, January 27, 2014

What is Vitamin C?

The discovery so ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C in 1928 by the Hungarian Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi, a later Nobel Prize winner, was one of the biggest achievements in the biochemical area. 

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient essential for life and is used by the human body for many purposes.

The most well known of all of vitamin C’s benefits are its powerful antioxidant properties that protect human being from the damaging effects of oxidation.

Reduction and oxidation chemicals signal cells to divide to change their structure and behavior or to die. One of the most critical controlling factors is the availability of vitamin C. High doses of vitamin C, in combination with related nutrients may prevent or even cure cancer.

Another most vitamin C’s vital roles in human health is in the production and maintenance of collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes up the connective tissues found throughout the body, especially in the skin, ligaments, cartilage, bones and teeth.

In some observational studies, vitamin C consumption from both food and supplements correlated with reduced mortality and with lower risk for ischemic heart disease, particularly when subjects had low vitamin C.
What is Vitamin C?

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