p-aminobenzoic acid is found in significant amounts in liver, kidney, spinach, whole grains ,mushrooms, yeasts, eggs and molasses. It is an essential growth factor for many species of bacteria, which use it for the biosynthesis of folate.
p-aminobenzoic acid |
p-aminobenzoic acid always functions as a part of folate molecule in the human system. It is synthesized by intestinal bacteria. In bacteria, enzymes are available that can synthesize folate from pteridine, p-aminobenzoic acid glutamate.
High doses of p-aminobenzoic acid may cause nausea, vomiting and possibly liver damage. p-aminobenzoic acid is used as a sunscreen to protect against ultraviolet rays. It has also been used to turn gray hair back to it natural color.
p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)