A high percentage of the vitamin A in apples is concentrated in their skins. Therefore, the apple juice with highest vitamin A content will be the apple juice from unpeeled, organically grown apples that are juiced with their skin on.
Vitamin A helps ward off colds and other infections and promotes growth. It also keeps the eyes in good condition, and prevents night blindness.
The vitamin C content of fresh juice from both peeled and unpeeled apples helps prevent colds flu, and intestinal infections. Vitamin C also act as a body normalizer and is essential in keeping bones and teeth sound.
Other than that apple juice also contributes some vitamin K. It is very necessary for the body to promote blood clotting.
Vitamin in Apple Juice
Vitamins are defined as a group of complex organic compounds present in minute amounts in natural foodstuff that are essential to normal metabolism and lack of which in the diet causes deficiency diseases. Vitamins are required in trace amounts (micrograms to milligrams per day) in the diet for health, growth and reproduction.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
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